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Topic"Sport".(к УМК Библолетова для 7 кл)
[ Скачать с сервера (13.1 Kb) ] 05.06.2017, 10:20


Today more and more people do sport. It is becoming popular among youngsters . There are so many places to do sport - a lot of gyms, sport complexes, courts and football pitches. But why is it so important to do sport? Why do we need it?

To my mind there are plenty of reasons. First of all sport is good for our health. it also helps us to avoid many diseases, rest. When you do sport you keep fit, your body gets rid of unnecessary fat and you feel better. You become strong and energetic. Sport also contributes to your brain - take chess for example. Moreover, sport has a psychological influence - it reduces stress and gives you good emotions. It makes you more disciplined.

Another reason is If you do sport you can find new friends and learn how to work in team and have fun together.

I believe sport is useful for everyone.

Категория: Мои файлы | Добавил: галина
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